Joomla extensions

This category contains all my Joomla extensions, templates, translates an so on...

Img2Figure plug-in wraps the figure element around an image element. Easy to use and easy to configure.

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MyCloud generates a Cloud or a List of the meta keywords of your content.

Easy to use and easy to configure.

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MyTags plug-in will take meta-keywords of your article and put them after title or after article as tags-links. Easy to use and easy to configure.

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AskMyAdmin prevent login to back-end of site till entering correct key=value pair. This is an extended version of plg_backendtoken plugin.

Main idea of this plug-in - to prevent login to administrator's panel by using standard URL. It will hide your admin part of site.

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Module shows you anniversaries of current day. All you need to do - just prepare your articles for showing and put them in specified category. Module checks current day and shows titles of articles, which became anniversaries at that day.

Easy to use and easy to configure.

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